

Geographic names standards are important not only to prevent ambiguity and confusion in spelling of geographic names but also in fulfilling the needs of commerce and international relations, and it is the goal of United Nations to establish such standards among its members (United Nations, 2007). Standardization is concerned with written forms of names including their script, spelling, word forms, writing marks and capitalization. Standardization is also aims to establish a convention for names conversion which is the process of converting geographic names from one written script to another. Although the written forms of many languages such as English use what is known as the Roman (Latin) script, other languages such as Dhivehi are recorded using other non-Roman scripts.

There are two main methods known as transcription and transliteration that are used for names conversion. Transcription is the conversion of sounds of one language into the closest corresponding written sound symbols of another. However, it is always not possible to accurately convert the sound symbols of one language to another without adding special marks (diacritics) and/or letter. Conversion using such additional diacritics and/or letters is called transliteration. The intended sounds of diacritics marks and other symbols are not usually understood by most people and for this reason transcription is often adopted for more everyday situations, using only the letters and letter combinations of a target alphabet, at the expense of the exact original pronunciation.

The Roman script has been adopted as a base for international use by the United Nations and it is recommended that a single romanization (transliteration) system should be developed for each non-Roman script. Additionally the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) recommends several factors that need to be considered when adopting a romanization system. They include:

  • 1. The system should be reversible, that is to say, it should be possible to reconstruct the original non-Roman script form on the basis of romanization.
  • 2. Using the system should be as simple and as clear-cut as possible. For example, if a character table is not adequate, the notes to the table should clarify all aspects of usage. It would not be to the advantage of the system if dictionaries and other sources had to be consulted in order to obtain a correct romanization of names, or if the rules allowed for variations in the romanization of the same original script form.
  • 3. The romanized name forms should be as easy as possible to write, read and memorize as well as store electronically. This would entail minimal use of diacritical marks, avoidance of difficult and unusual character sequences, etc. A systematic representation of phonological features is also recommended.

Currently no romanization for Thaana has been approved at the United Nations conference on the standardization of geographic names. However many methods are used to convert the geographic names written in Thaana to Roman alphabet. Some use diacritical marks where as others do not. This lack of standardization has led to considerable difficulties in communication as well as data comparison. Hence a romanization system needs to be adopted for use in the cartographic works produced by the Maldives Land and Survey Authority (MLSA) and by considering the above factors recommended by UNGEGN, the following romanization system without diacritical marks will be used in writing geographic feature names.


The following is the System of romanization (transliteration) for Maldivian script, Thaana. Thaana is written from right to left. Vowels are marked as diacritical marks accompanying a consonant character.



A Romanized n’ if used without any vowel (Ex: ކަނޑު kan’du).

B Not romanized but see note 1.

Consonants with diacritical marks (used mainly in words of Arabic origin, corresponding Arabic characters and their romanizations are shown in parentheses)


Vowels(◌ indicate any consonant)



  • 1. The އ character is not romanized. If it bears a vowel, that vowel alone is romanized (Eg: އިރުގައި irugai).
  • 2. Words ending with އް and ށް are romanized at the end as h (Eg: ރަށް rah). In other cases, when އް and ށް are used, the romanized value of the following consonant character is doubled (eg: ބައްޓެއް batteh), with the exception when the romanized form of the following character is a diagraph, in which case they are romanized with h followed by the diagraph (Eg: އެއްތިގިލި Ehthigili, ކެރެއްދޫ Kerehdhoo, ސެއްޅިފުށި Sehlhifushi).
  • 3. Character ތް is romanized iy (Eg: އަތްޕުޅު aiypulhu).
  • 4. Except in 1, 2 and 3, Sukun alternative is not romanized and it indicates the absence of a vowel after the consonant.


  • 1. Ragupathy, S (2008). An Etymological Dictionary of Maldivian Island Names, Maale, Maldives, National Centre for Linguistic and Historical Research.
  • 2. United Nations, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (2006). Manual for the national standardization of geographical names, United Nations publication, Sales No. E.06.XVII.7
  • 3. United Nations, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (2007). Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names, United Nations publication, Sales No. E.07.XVII.5

How to use OneMap Website

A guide to using widgets

Draw Widget

The Draw widget allows you to draw simple graphics and text on the map. You can also use it to add line distance or polygon area to the feature as text. This widget provides basic sketching and markup functionality. It also displays some measurements for drawn features, such as length for lines and area and perimeter for polygons. When the widget initially opens, a window appears that contains the following draw tools:

  • • Point
  • • Line
  • • Polyline
  • • Freehand polyline
  • • Arrow
  • • Triangle
  • • Rectangle
  • • Circle
  • • Ellipse
  • • Polygon
  • • Freehand polygon
  • • Text


How Use the Draw widget

To get started with the Draw widget, complete the following steps:

  • • Click a button to select the drawing mode.
  • • Optionally change the drawing style using the symbol picker.
  • • For points, select the marker category (different symbols are available in each category) to set the symbol size, colour, transparency, outline colour, and outline width of the symbol. Only the size field is available for picture marker symbols.

  • alternative

  • • For lines, select a predefined symbol from the box. You can also customize the colour, style, transparency, and width of the symbol.

  • alternative

  • • For polygons, select a predefined symbol from the box. You can also customize the fill colour, transparency, outline colour, and outline width of the symbol.
  • • For text, type in the Text box, and select a font colour and size for the text.

  • alternative

  • • Optionally show a corresponding measurement in the map for the point location, line length, or polygon area or perimeter. You can also choose a unit of measurement and set the font colour and size for the text.

  • alternative

  • • Draw the desired features and text on the map.
  • • Click Undo or Redo to cancel or repeat your drawings or click Clear to remove them all from the map.

Measurement Widget

The Measurement widget allows you to measure the area of a polygon or length of a line or find the coordinates of a point.

How to use the Measurement widget

Click the Measurement widget icon to open it.

Location measurements

Click the Location button alternative and click a location on the map.

The Measurement widget displays the coordinates for the point in degrees (decimal). To change the coordinate display format to degrees/minutes/seconds, change the selection in the Degrees drop-down menu to DMS.


Distance measurements

  • 1. Click the Distance button.
  • 2. Draw a polyline on the map by clicking two or more points.
  • 3. Double-click to finish drawing the polyline.

The Measurement widget displays the total length of the polyline using the defined Default Length Unit. To change the length unit, select the applicable unit of measure from the Meters drop-down menu.


Area measurements

  • 1. Click the Area button.
  • 2. Draw a polygon on the map by clicking three or more points.
  • 3. Double-click to finish drawing the polygon.

The Measurement widget displays the total area of the polygon using the defined Default Area Unit. To change the area unit, select the applicable unit of measure from the Hectares drop-down menu.


Measurement Widget

The Measurement widget allows you to measure the area of a polygon or length of a line or find the coordinates of a point.

How to use the Measurement widget

Click the Measurement widget icon to open it.

Location measurements

Click the Location button alternative and click a location on the map.

The Measurement widget displays the coordinates for the point in degrees (decimal). To change the coordinate display format to degrees/minutes/seconds, change the selection in the Degrees drop-down menu to DMS.


Distance measurements

  • 1. Click the Distance button.
  • 2. Draw a polyline on the map by clicking two or more points.
  • 3. Double-click to finish drawing the polyline.

The Measurement widget displays the total length of the polyline using the defined Default Length Unit. To change the length unit, select the applicable unit of measure from the Meters drop-down menu.


Area measurements

  • 1. Click the Area button.
  • 2. Draw a polygon on the map by clicking three or more points.
  • 3. Double-click to finish drawing the polygon.

The Measurement widget displays the total area of the polygon using the defined Default Area Unit. To change the area unit, select the applicable unit of measure from the Hectares drop-down menu.


Print widget

The Print widget connects the web app with a printing service to allow the current map to print.

How to use the Print widget

  • 1. Click the Print button to open the Print widget.

  • alternative

  • 2. Select the applicable Layout and Format for the exported map.

  • alternative

  • 3. Click Advanced to open a menu with advanced print options.
  • 4. After all options have been set with the applicable values, click Print to submit all information to the print service.
  • 5. A progress bar displays next to the executing task.

  • alternative

  • Upon completion of the print job, a link to the print output displays.

  • alternative

  • 6. Click the task to open the file in a new window.
  • 7. Click Clear prints to clear the print history.

Distance and Direction widget

The Distance and Direction widget allows you to draw lines, circles, ellipses, and range rings to visualize important information.

How to use the Distance and Direction widget

You can use the Distance and Direction widget to create lines, circles, ellipses, or rings.

Change the input coordinate format

The Distance and Direction widget allows you to change the way coordinates are displayed in the coordinate text box. The Format Input and Add Point tools are located by the Start Point and End Point for the line tab, and Centre Point for the circle, ellipse and range rings tabs.

  • 1. Click the Format Input button next to any coordinate text box to open the Set Coordinate Format String window.
  • 2. Click the drop-down menu and choose a coordinate display format.
  • 3. Format the coordinate string by adding characters or spaces or removing components of the string in the text box.
  • 4. Optionally check the box to add a + or - prefix to positive or negative numbers.
  • 5. Click OK.

Edit symbology

You can edit the symbology of a line, circle, ellipse, or range ring. Each tab has a Symbol and label settings section that provides the option to change how graphics are displayed.

  • 1. In the Symbol and label settings section, click Symbology Preview and make changes.
  • 2. For Label colour and size, click the colour picker to set the colour and use the text box to set the text size used to label a graphic.

Create lines

You can create lines using the Distance and Direction widget given a distance and bearing, from known coordinates, or by interactively selecting points.

Create lines from distance and bearing

Create lines from a given distance and bearing.

  • 1. Click the Line tab.
  • 2. Click the from menu and choose Distance and Bearing.
  • 3. Set a start point by entering coordinates in the Start Point text box and pressing Enter or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Optionally use the Format Input button to open the Set Coordinate Format String window.
  • 5. Enter a value for Length and set the units.
  • 6. Enter a value for Angle and set the units.
  • 7. Click OK.

Create lines from coordinates

Use known coordinates to create geodesic lines.

  • 1. Click the Line tab.
  • 2. Click the from menu and choose Points.
  • 3. Set a start point by entering coordinates in the Start Point text box and pressing Enter or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Optionally use the Format Input button to open the Set Coordinate Format String window.
  • 5. Set an end point by entering coordinates in the End Point text box and pressing Enter or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 6. Optionally use the Format Input button to open the Set Coordinate Format String window.
  • 7. If you typed coordinates for the start and end points, click OK to create the line.

Create lines interactively

Interactively create geodesic lines on the map.

  • 1. Click the Line tab.
  • 2. Click the from menu and choose Points.
  • 3. Check the Create Line Interactively box.
  • 4. Click the Draw Line tool.
  • 5. Click a location on the map to designate the line starting point.
  • 6. Click a second point on the map to designate the line ending point.

Create circles

You can create circles using the Distance and Direction widget from known coordinates, interactively, or from a given time and speed.

Create circles from known coordinates

Use known coordinates to create circles using radius or diameter lengths.

  • 1. Click the Circle tab.
  • 2. Click the Create Circle From menu and choose Radius or Diameter.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter or use the Draw Circle tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Enter a distance in the Radius or Diameter text box and choose the desired units.
  • 5. Click OK.

Create circles interactively

Interactively create circles by clicking the map.

  • 1. Click the Circle tab.
  • 2. Click the Create Circle From menu and choose Radius or Diameter.
  • 3. Check the Create Circle Interactively box.
  • 4. Click the Radius/Diameter units menu to set the distance units.
  • 5. Click the Draw Circle tool.
  • 6. Click a point on the map to designate the circle's centre.
  • 7. Click a second point on the map to designate the circle's radius or diameter.

Create circles using speed and time

Create a circle to identify potential locations for moving objects using a centre point, time, and speed.

  • 1. Click the Circle tab.
  • 2. Click the Create Circle From menu and choose Radius or Diameter.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter, or use the Draw Circle tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Expand Distance Calculator to enter the other options.
  • 5. Enter a value for Time and set the units.
  • 6. Enter a value for Rate and set the units.
  • 7. Click OK.

Create ellipses

The Distance and Direction widget can create ellipses from either known coordinates or interactively.

Create ellipses from known coordinates

You can use known coordinates to create ellipses.

  • 1. Click the Ellipse tab.
  • 2. Click the Ellipse Type menu and choose either Semi or Full.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter or use the Draw Ellipse tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Enter values for the Major and Minor axes in the Axis section and choose a value from the Units menu.
  • 5. Enter a value for Orientation Angle and set the units.
  • 6. Click OK.

Create ellipses interactively

Interactively create ellipses by clicking the map.

  • 1. Click the Ellipse tab.
  • 2. Click the Ellipse Type menu and choose either Semi or Full.
  • 3. Check the Create Ellipse Interactively box.
  • 4. Click the Unit menu in the Axis section to change the axis units.
  • 5. Click the Draw Ellipse tool.
  • 6. Click a point on the map to designate the ellipse centre.
  • 7. Drag the pointer and click the map to designate the ellipse major axis length and orientation.
  • 8. Drag and click the map to designate the ellipse minor axis length.

Create range rings interactively

Interactively create range rings by clicking the map.

  • 1. Click the Rings tab.
  • 2. Click the Type menu and choose Interactive.
  • 3. Use the Distance Units menu to set the units.
  • 4. Type a value in the Number of Radials text box.
  • 5. Click the Add Point tool.
  • 6. Click the map to designate a centre point.
  • 7. Drag the pointer and click the map to designate the first ring.
  • 8. Add more rings as needed.
  • 9. Double-click the map to complete the range rings.

Create range rings using a fixed ring number and distance

Create range rings using a set ring number and distance with the Distance and Direction widget.

  • 1. Click the Rings tab.
  • 2. Click the Type menu and choose Fixed.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter, or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Type a value in the Number of Rings text box.
  • 5. Type a value in the Distance Between Rings text box and set the desired units.
  • 6. Type a value in the Number of Radials text box.
  • 7. Click OK.

Create range rings based on an origin and distance from the origin

  • 1. Click the Rings tab.
  • 2. Click the Type menu and choose Origin.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter, or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Use the Distance Units menu to set the units.
  • 5. Enter a value in the Distances text box to set how far the first ring will be from the origin point.
  • 6. Click the add button to add another value and continue to add values as necessary.
  • 7. Optionally hover over a value and click the delete button to delete that value.
  • 8. Type a value in the Number of Radials text box.
  • 9. Click OK.

Create range rings by distance between rings

Create range rings based on an origin and distance from the previous ring.

  • 1. Click the Rings tab.
  • 2. Click the Type menu and choose Cumulative.
  • 3. Set a centre point by entering coordinates in the Centre Point text box and pressing Enter, or use the Add Point tool to interactively select a point.
  • 4. Use the Distance Units menu to set the units.
  • 5. Enter a value in the Distances text box to set how far the first ring will be from the origin point.
  • 6. Click the add button to add another value and continue to add values as necessary.
  • 7. Optionally hover over a value and click the delete button to delete that value.
  • 8. Optionally hover over a value and click the up or down arrow to reorder the values.
  • 9. Type a value in the Number of Radials text box.
  • 10. Click OK.


Official Island List


The data is released under Data Usage License of Maldives Land and Survey Authority. Users accessing this data agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of the license.






Protected Area of Maldives_EPA

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Ameenee Magu
Republic of Maldives
Post Code: 20392

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